About us

Makerspaces are facilities where people make things. These organizations provide tools, training and space for project work.  For some makers, access to a space provides a way for them to pursue a hobby or learn something new.  For others, it’s a way to prototype a product or bootstrap a new business. Tallahassee’s makerspace, Making Awesome, was established in 2012 as a Florida not-for-profit corporation.  It has been designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization. It’s a membership organization, supported by dues, revenue from classes, donations and grants. We’re now located off of Capital Circle SE at 2818 Industrial Plaza Dr, Suite H. Previously, we were in RR Square.

Members come from many walks of life, and join our makerspace for a variety of reasons.  Some members come to the space to attend a class and find a community of like-minded people. Others come because they have an idea for a new invention and require space and tools to develop a prototype. Many members join the space to gain access to tools which are not available to them anywhere else. One of the benefits of the makerspace is that it brings together individuals from different disciplines and fosters collaboration.    

Since its inception, Making Awesome has had thousands of people through it’s doors.  Classes have been attended by hundreds of participants on a variety of topics. Some people come to the space thinking that they are there to pursue a hobby, but end up finding a new career path.

An older white man and a blond woman are looking at computers on opposite sides of a wooden table
Four adult students participating in a wood shop class. One uses a miter saw
Three class attendees work on their wooden bat boxes while wearing safety gear